Chanting the HU
Chanting the HU. Another very effective means to focus the mind and open to your loving is chanting. Chanting a specific mantra builds up a powerful field of spiritual energy that can change your consciousness. Mantras are specific sounds or syllables that invoke a spiritual essence. It is said that as you chant, you bring that essence, or vibration, into your own being.
The Ani-Hu chant is ancient Sanskrit. Ani means empathy, or compassion. Hu is a word for God, or unconditional loving. Q: What is the purpose of a Mantra? A mantra is a specific sound or tone which, when spoken or chanted, can invoke a spiritual essence. A mantra can be said out loud or inwardly. Many groups use mantras as a form of meditation. Mantras, or tones, are sounds that originate from various dimensions and planes of being. Some originate from what we call the lower worlds – the astral, causal, mental, or etheric realms. When chanted, these tones lift you to the level from which they came. Most of the tones we teach originate in the pure realms of Light – the Soul realm or above. When chanted, they invoke the essence of perfect purity – that which is blameless, sinless, pure in all ways.
You might like to hold within for a moment, or even for 5 or 10 minutes. Enjoy the stillness and sense of peace that chanting HU often brings forward.
Another very effective means to focus the mind and open to your loving is chanting. Chanting a specific mantra builds up a powerful field of spiritual energy that can change your consciousness. Mantras are specific sounds or syllables that invoke a spiritual essence. It is said that as you chant, you bring that essence, or vibration, into your own being.
Before you begin, sit quietly for a moment and allow your body to relax. The key is your intention—bringing an attitude of reverence and love to whatever you are chanting.
Call in the Light to fill, surround, and protect you for the highest good. You might like to refer to Calling In The Light.
Now begin the HU sound. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, chant HUUUUUUUUUU on one continuous note, until all the breath is expelled.
Repeat 5 to 10 times, chanting HU each time you exhale. Then relax for a moment, bringing your attention to the middle of your forehead (sometimes called the third eye), or to the top of your head.
or MSIA | Ani Hu Chant Meditation
or MSIA | Experience Love and Harmony with Our Song of Love & Ani-Hu Chant