Guided Meditation
Guided Meditation. Using guided imagery, The Sacred Sanctuary meditation takes you on a fascinating inner journey that allows you to tap into your innate wisdom and access more of your Divinity. This MP3 is a valuable resource you can use again and again to expand your awareness and create more of what you want in your life.
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or MP053 – A Moment of Peace – The Puzzle +CR 8Mb 720p.mp4 J-R: Take time to heal yourself on all the levels of your existence. And let that just go out to the trees, the grass, the river, animals, the water, birds, fish, whatever, into the clouds. And know that this jig-saw puzzle of this planet won’t be complete until every one of us have put our part in the picture. If we hold back our particular part, waiting for the other parts to be there before we commit, when on earth will this puzzle complete itself? And maybe what happens, is that this puzzle is not going to be built from the outside. But it’s going to be created and finished from the inside of us, as we put ours out, and people then see how we fit together, we fit with them, and they fit with each other, and their extensions fit with others. And like some great tapestry of magic, it weaves itself together, and we start to go, “Wow! There it is. I see it again.” And part of our job is to let ourselves so shine, that others want to become part of that puzzle, and they put their piece in. And what that means is, not one soul will be lost. Not one piece of the puzzle will be missing. Remember the six magic words I gave years ago, “God bless you, and I love you,” now, we’re adding three more, “Peace Be Still.” Baruch Bashan